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During the summer months, the "Belmond Royal Scotsman" can provide a bit of variety from the constant stream of 158s.
Operated by Orient Express, under the "Belmond" brand, the traction is now provided by WCRC, after EWS lost the job in 2005.
During the summer months, the "Belmond Royal Scotsman" can provide a bit of variety from the constant stream of 158s.
Operated by Orient Express, under the "Belmond" brand, the traction is now provided by WCRC, after EWS lost the job in 2005.
Running every 10 days or so, the 'Classic' tour is a four-night trip, starting from Edinburgh Waverley. Usually powered by a 47, it's not unusual for a 57 to appear. 37s have been rare since WCRC took over but have turned up occasionally.
Strangely, since writing the summary for this album, EVERY Classic tour in the 2014 season has arrived at Kyle behind either one or two 37s - Not one single 47 !!
The 'normal' workings are: 1H80, 10:00 Keith - Kyle.
1H81, 08:45 Kyle - Carrbridge.
Other timings can apply, such as the 'Homes & Gardens' tour.
The regular trip reverses at Invergordon and Dingwall, before heading to Kyle, where the loco runs-round and the set is stabled in the Down platform. The outward trip usually sets down at Plockton to allow the punters to take a boat trip on the 'Sula Mhor', to see the seals, before being bussed to Kyle to re-join the train for dinner.
Due to tight timings and dawdling posh folk at Plockton, the 17:14 service train from Kyle is usually delayed by a few minutes, awaiting the arrival of 1H80.
If you have to ask how much the trip costs - you can't afford it!!