158707 approaches Dingwall Junction

Dingwall Junction

Folder: Daily life on the Kyle line
IV15 9HY

As the train approaches Dingwall from the Kyle direction, it crosses the Dingwall Canal before joining the Far North Line at Dingwall junction. The canal itself was completed in December 1816 to allow ships to access the centre of Dingwall. As plans to build the railway took shape, a swing bridge could have been provided but the canal was in such a poor state of repair that the town coun…  (read more)

158707 approaches Dingwall Junction

15 Oct 2011 316
The right unit for the job, 158707 "Far North Line 125th Anniversary" approaches Dingwall Junction, from that very line, with 2H60, the 06:20 Wick - Inverness. Like most of Scotrail's named class 158s, this set lost its nameplates when re-liveried, early in 2017 in this case. 158720 is now Scotrail's only named 158.

158707 at Dingwall Junction

15 Oct 2011 316
Crossing the Dingwall Canal on Bridge 47, 158707 approaches Dingwall Jct with 2H60, the 06:20 Wick - Inverness. The short canal was never much of a success and, when the railway was built, it seems that no-one insisted on a swing bridge, so the canal fell into disuse from January 1890.