158702 delayed at Strathcarron


Folder: Daily life on the Kyle line
IV54 8YR

About 18 miles from Kyle, Strathcarron is the first crossing loop and also the first token exchange point for the RETB signalling system. At the Western end of the platforms, the A890 crossed the line via an AOCL crossing but this has recently been upgraded to automatic half-barriers.
The Strathcarron Hotel is conveniently situated alongside the Up platform.
Like Garve and Achnasheen, S…  (read more)

158702 delayed at Strathcarron

10 Sep 2016 191
158702 stands amidst the weeds in the Up platform at Strathcarron with 2H82, the 12:08 Kyle - Inverness. There was plenty time for pictures as the westbound train was about 15 minutes late. The smokers don't seem to mind a short delay.

Strathcarron half-barriers

10 Sep 2016 208
A similar view to the previous shot, 7 years later, without the hen but with the new barriers. Don't get me wrong; I'm all for safety but, could this money not have been spent at a level crossing where trains travel faster than walking speed? Here, all westbound trains stop at the station to exchange tokens, while all eastbound workings are slowing to stop at the same station, for the same reason. Even the marginally faster-moving trains, approaching from the west, are visible for hundreds of yards, before reaching the crossing. Anyone stupid enough, or blind enough, not to see the flashing lights, hear the train horn, or see the b***** train, will probably drive straight through the barrier anyway!!

Routemaster outside Strathcarron station

10 Sep 2016 267
AEC Routemaster RM835 (WLT 835) outside Strathcarron station. Built for London Transport in 1961, then sold to Clydeside Scottish in 1986, WLT 835 was sold into preservation in 1990 and is now owned by the Clydemaster Preservation group, Brentwood, ESSEX. I have no idea why it was at Strathcarron.

Routemaster at Strathcarron

10 Sep 2016 218
Not something you see every day, at least not in Strathcarron. AEC Routemaster RM835 (WLT 835) is owned by the Clydemaster Preservation group. The rear destination blind was probably used in service in Glasgow but the front one - who knows?

RM835 at Strathcarron Hotel

10 Sep 2016 1 317
Owned by the Clydemaster Preservation group in Essex, AEC Routemaster RM835 (WLT 835) appears to have arrived at its destination, parked outside the Strathcarron Hotel. I very much doubt that the original blind featured Strathcarron.

RM835 at Strathcarron

10 Sep 2016 205
Some close-up detail of the routemaster, looking pretty good for 55 years old.