"March for Science"

Politics disguised as "science" on campus

In numerous cities around the U.S., what were billed as March for Science events were held. On the campus of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, the march was similar to the others -- and to others for different causes locally, the same complaints with a different lead paragraph. The march ended up at a park where actual scientists had displays of their work.

22 Apr 2017

135 visits

"March for Science"

22 Apr 2017

132 visits


22 Apr 2017

1 favorite

1 comment

157 visits

Not science

Many of the signs had science themes, while many others contained messages similar to those seen in demonstrations for or against other things over the last few months. Anti-fracking and anti-capitalism chants were heard.

22 Apr 2017

135 visits

There was, nearby, actual science being discussed

22 Apr 2017

1 favorite

148 visits

The always-popular Madagascar hissing cockroach was on display

22 Apr 2017

128 visits

Not posed

22 Apr 2017

149 visits

Real scientists identified themselves