Local dignitaries waited to pose with him

Bill Clinton comes to town

Former President William J. Clinton visited Athens, Ohio, October 4, 2016. A modest crowd of a thousand or so came out to hear him. He spoke largely in favor of his wife's candidacy for the presidency.

04 Oct 2016

177 visits

Local dignitaries waited to pose with him

04 Oct 2016

173 visits

The traveling press munched on vegetables

04 Oct 2016

167 visits

The line to get in was long

04 Oct 2016

174 visits

A candidate for senate, trailing in the polls, was heckled

04 Oct 2016

168 visits

Clinton's people handed out "home made" signs

04 Oct 2016

172 visits

Bill waved to someone in the crowd

04 Oct 2016

164 visits

And he took the stage

04 Oct 2016

155 visits

He commenced his speech

04 Oct 2016

148 visits

Students and Secret Service faced each other

30 items in total