Preparing for the march

NSFW: Homecoming demonstration at Ohio University

For the second year, various student groups conducted a demonstration in protest of what they characterize as "rape culture" at Ohio University.

A number of the protesters partially disrobed for their rush-hour walk up two main streets in the city. The reasoning behind this was unclear.

Similar demonstrations were conducted last year, and the sexual assault rate more than doubled. This raises th…  (read more)

09 Oct 2015

144 visits

Preparing for the march

09 Oct 2015

167 visits

Statemants were painted on skin

09 Oct 2015

174 visits

This teeshirt would be left behind

09 Oct 2015

165 visits

Signs and posters were carried

09 Oct 2015

161 visits

Teeshirt is now gone

09 Oct 2015

164 visits

The marshalling area

09 Oct 2015

167 visits

Both festive and angry

09 Oct 2015

173 visits

Protesters gave interviews

09 Oct 2015

176 visits

The march was on

17 items in total