Iris Planter's fan dance

Ohio hippie festival

The weekend of May 15, 2015, offered the latest of the "Color Dance" festivals in Stewart, Ohio. I was sent to photograph it (and got a couple of cameras and lenses destroyed when stoners and children gone wild doused them and me in brightly colored dust. Much of the festival was hindered by rain that began soon thereafter: Kharms'a a bitch. The festival did demonstrate why it is that hippies are …  (read more)

15 May 2015

145 visits

Iris Planter's fan dance

15 May 2015

134 visits

Mamerto Tindongan offered a Philippine blessing

15 May 2015

141 visits

Colored dust was flung . . .

15 May 2015

160 visits

. . . even on those who didn't want it.

15 May 2015

159 visits

A young woman named Isis, who paints and offers for sale Pokemon pictures

15 May 2015

1 comment

161 visits

Another young woman fought against gravity

16 May 2015

144 visits

Some in attendance lazed beneath the trees

16 May 2015

145 visits

Learning the didgeridoos and didgeridon'ts

16 May 2015

150 visits

A festive meal

12 items in total