Graveyard in infrared

New Infrared Experiments

The first experiments of the season involved an X-E2 with the 35mm f1.4 Fuji lens and a cheap 720nm filter. There's a hotspot which I attribute in some measure to the angle of incidence at the filter. The pictures were made as I tried to decide whether to spend an extortionate amount of money having the hot filter removed from the X-E2, which would render it a whole other creature. The first few c…  (read more)

28 Apr 2015

154 visits

Graveyard in infrared

28 Apr 2015

148 visits

Federal Creek

28 Apr 2015

149 visits

Amber waves of green

28 Apr 2015

179 visits

Human trunk

28 Apr 2015

157 visits

Infrared street photography

27 Apr 2015

130 visits

Year's first infrared: Dandelions

07 May 2015

149 visits

Little purple flower

Decided to see how macro-infrared worked out. Too soon to tell -- need to wait until there are more bugs around!

07 May 2015

135 visits

Tiny white flower with yellow center

07 May 2015

140 visits

Dinky purple flowers

Infrared macro seems to impart a quality suitable for the covers of Gothic romance novels.
54 items in total