Clif's ocelot, eye-to-eye view

Clif Parmentier's Ocelot

When I was 12 and my father was terminally ill, he continued his weekly outdoor picture feature and I made the pictures for it. A fellow in our town, a friend of the family, had gotten an ocelot to keep as a pet, and I was sent to capture its image. Unexpectedly, it jumped up and bit Clif on the chest.

Sadly, the negatives are long gone -- these are scanned from a proof sheet that was in an envel…  (read more)

09 Apr 2015

179 visits

Clif's ocelot, eye-to-eye view

09 Apr 2015

160 visits

Not a cuddly kitty

09 Apr 2015

195 visits

Playful? Or hungry?