Court Street, Athens, Ohio, Christmas Eve

Uptown Silent Night

On Christmas Eve, I took a walk around uptown Athens, Ohio, which a little earlier was full of activity. But by now, most everyone has gone home. The sound is the wind, and the rain, and the great sheets of plastic torn loose from a construction site by the wind. Seemed a good time and place to make some photographs.

24 Dec 2014

180 visits

Court Street, Athens, Ohio, Christmas Eve

24 Dec 2014

143 visits

Street decorated, but everyone at home

24 Dec 2014

165 visits

Emergency Medical Service doesn't have the night off

24 Dec 2014

180 visits

Sorry, we're closed

24 Dec 2014

196 visits

Buildings damaged by fire a few weeks earlier

24 Dec 2014

162 visits

Chilly, windy, and rainy

24 Dec 2014

171 visits

The wind tore plastic loose from a construction site

24 Dec 2014

180 visits

Flag and banner whipping in the wind

24 Dec 2014

160 visits

The fire-damaged buildings, like a ghost town

13 items in total