With Charlie Rose, 23 November 1988

Me on TeeVee

With Charlie Rose, 23 November 1988

23 Nov 1988

689 visits

With Charlie Rose, 23 November 1988

A story I had written, which put the lie to much that NASA had said about the fate of the Challenger astronauts, got published in early November 1988 by The Miami Herald's magazine, TROPIC. It got some attention and I was asked to talk about it on Charlie Rose's program, "Nightwatch."
On the Today Show 4 December 2003

04 Dec 2003

712 visits

On the Today Show 4 December 2003

I'd broken a story having to do with the president's new plan to return to the Moon and establish a permanent presence there. No one else had pinned down the story, so for a day or two I was very popular. The president made the plan public a few weeks later.
With Linda Vester, Fox News, 21 September 2004

21 Sep 2004

479 visits

With Linda Vester, Fox News, 21 September 2004

A story I'd written having to do with Dan Rather's likely violation of CBS News Standards had drawn some attention. I was interviewed about the growing scandal.
On CNN Headline, by telephone, 21 June 2004

21 Jun 2004

396 visits

On CNN Headline, by telephone, 21 June 2004

When Burt Rutan's SpaceShipOne took its flight to the edge of the atmosphere in June 2004, CNN Headline News asked me to comment on it, my having written a number of space-related articles.