Summer Sunday morning

Fisheye follies

For this week's Sunday stroll (and one picture on the way home) I limited myself to the Rokinon 8mm f3.5 fisheye lens. None of these has been distortion-corrected at all, which does demonstrate the controllability of this lens even without software fixes. Plus, it's fun. And I am grateful I dd not encounter an actual news event.

14 Jul 2013

184 visits

Summer Sunday morning

Few people around. Deep blue sky and a hot sun.

14 Jul 2013

117 visits

So *that's* where they get it

Diner food requires gas from an external source.

14 Jul 2013

180 visits

You figure it out

Some of it is store window, some is store door. Some is reflection. The picture is single-shot, straight out of camera jpeg. No tricks.

14 Jul 2013

131 visits


14 Jul 2013

124 visits

You know why?

It's blocked by those buildings!

14 Jul 2013

159 visits

Two-hour parking

Public progress. A grizzled old sycamore used to stand where this fine expenditure of public money is being built. Here's a detail of that ancient tree, now gone:

14 Jul 2013

1 favorite


188 visits

Preaching to the . . . uh, nobody

Okay, that's not fair. There wasn't a service actually underway. But the pulpit is occupied, anyway.

14 Jul 2013

167 visits

It's no prettier undistorted

Though this woebegone intersection does have its miswestern charm.

14 Jul 2013

181 visits

Before Mass

St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, by fisheye from the choir loft.
17 items in total