Somebody got hissef a new truck

Another Sunday experiment

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This has almost become a habit. On this Sunday morning (except for one picture) I again took pictures in the few minutes after 11 a.m. and on the same block as the two previous experiments. The block doesn't change from week to week, so it must be how I look at things that does. Or else I was just sloppy the first and second times (and maybe this time, too).

23 Jun 2013

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304 visits

Somebody got hissef a new truck

Can get rid of the mule now, though he kind of likes that old thing, been friends for a lotta years and understand each other. But you can't stop progress.

23 Jun 2013

186 visits

When it absolutely, positively . . .

. . . has to get to Heaven. By tomorrow.

23 Jun 2013

166 visits

And another alley

The one last week had a door at the end. This one has a trash bin. Alleys vary.

23 Jun 2013


192 visits

A commentary on our times

At the intersection of Church and College, there is, the sign tells us, no outlet.

23 Jun 2013

186 visits

Sticks and stones

Fortunately, the security guard wasn't around, so no bones -- especially not mine -- entered the scene.

23 Jun 2013

200 visits

And another red door

Okay, yes, fiddled considerably with this one.