
News: Anti-war haircuts

Meaningless gestures are not new. Four decades ago, a group of long-haired high-schoolers gathered on the steps of the federal building in Columbia, Missouri, to protest the Vietnam war by getting their hair cut. Their protest clearly shook the government right to its foundations: the war ended a mere four years later.

I was sent to cover this momentous event -- the haircuts, not the end of the w…  (read more)

16 Sep 2010

165 visits


The angry long-haired lads.

16 Sep 2010

166 visits

Speeches were made

The crowd, though, was not large.

16 Sep 2010

173 visits

This'll show 'em we mean business!

The hair was cut.

16 Sep 2010

139 visits


The boys had shorter hair, though there seems to have been no other effect of their protest.