The first demonstration was on a rainy April Saturday

News: Indian Point nuclear protests

Within days of the accident at the Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant, persons in the New York area whose social lives revolve around complaining gathered in small upstate Buchanan to demand the closure of the Indian Point nuclear plant. That August a more elaborate whine was scheduled and conducted. More than 30 years later, Indian Point is still open and providing electricity for the region. …  (read more)

16 Sep 2010

176 visits

The first demonstration was on a rainy April Saturday

They didn't all really live in Harrisburg.

16 Sep 2010

173 visits

The crowd was soggy

16 Sep 2010

126 visits

Umbrellas and signs

Mostly mostly mostly umbrellas.

16 Sep 2010

117 visits

Mad as a wet anti-nuke protester

16 Sep 2010

114 visits

Sign put to actual use

16 Sep 2010

139 visits

Lefty guitarist played lefty tunes

16 Sep 2010

128 visits

Being a part of the crowd

16 Sep 2010

122 visits

Marching was briefly undertaken

16 Sep 2010

123 visits

Isn't this guy on "Whale Wars"?

26 items in total