In the church kitchen

Just fun

These are some pictures that amused me when I took them or upon discovering them on the roll (or in the case of a few, the card) later.

18 Jun 2011

177 visits

In the church kitchen

I'm glad I don't have to look at these three over a poker table!

14 Mar 2011

184 visits

Spring hatch

It's spring, when the beetles emerge from the ground. This one makes its appearance on Route 550, between Amesville and Athens, Ohio.

10 Sep 2010

1 favorite

191 visits

Tough game

Rollei 35, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

10 Sep 2010

199 visits

Headless swimmer

Nikonos IVa, 35mm Nikkor, Tri-X, D-76

10 Sep 2010

197 visits

Now we'll get the guy on the bike

Rollei 35, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

10 Sep 2010

177 visits

Prancing at altitude

10 Sep 2010

174 visits

Park and Recreation

Nikon F, 200mm Nikkor, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

187 visits

Smudge loves Other Smudge

Leica M-4, 90mm collapsible Elmar, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

189 visits

And be Qwik about it

Leica M-2, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1
45 items in total