Yet another infrared experiment

Fun with infrared

Most of these were taken with a Fuji X100, which is surprisingly good, without modification, for IR. It does have a bit of a hot spot at the center, which would be no problem for Photoshop masters. I'm not one of those, though.

07 Jul 2011

181 visits

Yet another infrared experiment

This was taken with an LX-5 and R72 filter; processing was simply setting auto white balance in the GIMP. The false colors are kind of pleasing, but I can live without the graininess, which almost looks like reticulation, doesn't it.

07 Jul 2011

195 visits

Stream in infrared

Another I.R. experiment. Taken with an X100 and an R72 filter, everything else left on automatic, except for knocking exposure down 2/3 stop from metered. I wish I'd doubled that.

07 Jul 2011

198 visits

Infrared panorama

First time out of the box, so it's scarcely perfection. But I thought it was interesting. I've long loved photographing this farm. The day was very hazy and cloudy, so many of the attributes typical of I.R. pictures are attenuated, alas. Shot through an R72 filter and kicked exposure down 1 1/3 stops from metered.

07 Jul 2011

204 visits

When you forget to set white balance

Colors can go all haywire, not to say apocalyptic. It's still possible to salvage a black-and-white version, though. And I kind of liked this result, which is my idea of what terraforming would be like on the planet Mercury.

08 Jul 2011

170 visits

Out the front window, IR version

I love this view; will make it nice in an infrared picture if it kills me, which it might.

08 Jul 2011

209 visits

Starting to get a handle on it

A bridge in rural Athens County, Ohio, in infrared color. Processed from OOC jpeg in The GIMP using the tremendous EG infrared plugin, which makes processing much, much easier.

08 Jul 2011

178 visits

Federal Creek

It isn't really that color, at least not to our eyes. Then again, the trees aren't, either.

08 Jul 2011

148 visits

Infrared monochrome

Doing infrared in black-and-white is comparatively easy. Getting the colors to work is the trick, I think. This was taken from the Big Run Bridge in Athens County, Ohio. Gray day, or the sky would have been more interesting

08 Jul 2011

167 visits

More IR tricks

Too bad the sky was so gray -- would like to see which color it adopted.
25 items in total