Arrival is exciting

Guantanamo: the place

963 visits  |  Translate into English

13 Sep 2010

187 visits

Arrival is exciting

To avoid Cuban airspace, the plane has to make a steep bank and sharp turn immediately before landing. There have been cases where big airplanes have scraped a wing tip on approach.

13 Sep 2010

186 visits

Drugs are a concern

New arrivals are carefully searched lest they be bringing in contraband.

13 Sep 2010

204 visits

The airport is on the Leeward Point

Across the bay is the Windward Point, where housing is located as well as most of the base activity.

13 Sep 2010

185 visits

Fighter planes

In GTMO, you almost get the sense that this is a small town in, say, Florida, but there's always something to remind the visitor that it isn't.

13 Sep 2010

171 visits

Among the base's protections

Are the pilots and planes of VC-10.

13 Sep 2010

167 visits

Aircraft are maintained

The hangar at the Leeward Point airport is equipped to deal with any problems that might arise.

13 Sep 2010

143 visits

Aviation maintenance

Sometimes work is done on military planes not assigned normally to GTMO.

13 Sep 2010

127 visits

The ferry ride to Windward Point

Private vehicles brought to GTMO generally stay there, sold when a sailor is assigned elsewhere. They tend to be dilapidated -- though not as bad as those on mainland Cuba -- and decorated.

13 Sep 2010

176 visits

Flags flying

The American flag, then the Navy flag, then -- just like on the mainland -- the golden arches!
35 items in total