I did not take this picture: it is of me

Feature: Kuwait

442 visits  |  Translate into English

Shortly after the first Gulf War, I traveled to Kuwait to assist in teaching television news production there. And of course I made pictures, and these are some of them.

18 Sep 2010

156 visits

I did not take this picture: it is of me

My friend Jeff Young took it. I'm in an Iraqi bunker near Kuwait City. Saddam's army booby trapped some of these on the way out, but this one was safe, or I was too booby even for them.

18 Sep 2010

125 visits

A view in Kuwait City

18 Sep 2010

139 visits

In modern Kuwait City . . .

. . . there are areas that seem unchanged for decades, perhaps centuries.

18 Sep 2010

142 visits

I liked the lower red sign

18 Sep 2010

140 visits

Street vendors are common

It rarely rains in Kuwait, so there's no problem having goods out in the open.

18 Sep 2010

162 visits

Kuwait Towers and the Persian Gulf

The beach is attractive, but beachgoing is not the passion there that it is in the states. This may be due to the fact that even the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf are infested with sharks. Seabirds are plentiful, and the beach is a great place for a walk.

18 Sep 2010

158 visits

Kuwait Towers

I like the other picture, with the strolling couple, better. But I waded into the shark-infested Persian Gulf to make this picture, and I'm damned well going to use it! Kuwait Towers are the landmark of that city, the way the World Trade Center . . . never mind.

18 Sep 2010

136 visits

The television studio, Ministry of Information

During a newscast

18 Sep 2010

186 visits

My one artsy picture in Kuwait

The shore of the Persian Gulf, Kuwait City.
19 items in total