Police horses patrol the fest, and sanitation patrols the horses

High Fest, Athens, Ohio, 2018

238 visits  |  Translate into English

24 Mar 2018

58 visits

Police horses patrol the fest, and sanitation patrols the horses

High Fest is one of a series of beer-fueled street parties held by Ohio University students each spring. It is on, as the name suggests, High Street.

24 Mar 2018

71 visits

Dude has it all figured out

24 Mar 2018

68 visits

Girl Scout cookies!

This enterprising young lady brought her wagon load of cookies to the fest, figuring that something about the event might make some of the revelers hungry. She was right.

24 Mar 2018

81 visits

Pals on the porch rail

24 Mar 2018

87 visits

They decided to make a slightly scandalous picture

24 Mar 2018

80 visits

The horses are always crowd favorites

24 Mar 2018

66 visits

Making a bold fashion statement

24 Mar 2018

65 visits

Beer fuels bravado

24 Mar 2018

74 visits

Another bold fashion statement

17 items in total