It was strong while it was there

Winter flooding, 2018

23 Feb 2018

72 visits

It was strong while it was there

Flooding of Federal Creek Thursday night and Friday morning was swift and powerful, as witness this sign in the hamlet of Broadwell in eastern Athens County. Debris was caught against the sign and that, combined with the speed of the current, bent the supporting poles. Roadside grass was all swept in a downstream direction, too.

18 Feb 2018

73 visits

Kind of pretty, anyway

The Hocking River was out of its banks and across Route 329 upstream of Stewart Sunday evening. The flow of the water, from fields on the right to the river on the left, suggests that the flood was at least receding.

24 Feb 2018

72 visits

There's an old dam under there

The Hocking rose over the weekend, not so much from rain that fell here as from upstream runoff. By mid-morning Saturday, the water was so high that the notorious dropoff at White's Mill barely registered on the water's surface, which was generally roiling like a washing machine.

24 Feb 2018

64 visits

Oh, and stop for the stoplight, too

The sign warning of an upcoming stoplight was superfluous Saturday -- the Hocking River had appropriated Ohio 144, a major route in eastern Athens County. Beyond the flooding, a rain-induced rockslide had covered one lane of the highway.

24 Feb 2018

63 visits

Normally, just some woods

A swampscape reminiscent more of parts of the deep south than of Athens County, this low-lying wooded area in Eastern Athens County was covered by a few feet of water. In the distant background is the normal riverbed of the Hocking River.

25 Feb 2018

60 visits

River tries to take bike path away

The Hocking River's flow was so strong and high that it turned an oxbow into an island, pushing the flow straight at a recently completed bike path and bridge. It would get much worse.

25 Feb 2018

64 visits

The prediction was the river would top the running path

But it didn't.

25 Feb 2018

67 visits

Construction was put on hold

That brown thing on the left is the Hocking River.

25 Feb 2018

59 visits

Ohio University was closed by the threat

Turned out it could have stayed open. As these drivers, who ignored the sign, predicted.
14 items in total