Costumes are different, groceries are the same

Halloween Party, Athens, Ohio 2017

To many people Athens, Ohio is known only (or primarily) as the site of the annual Halloween block party, held the Saturday night before Halloween.

Here are a few pictures from the 2017 edition.

28 Oct 2017

91 visits

Costumes are different, groceries are the same

An essential part of any balanced witch's brew is beer.

28 Oct 2017

86 visits

Guess who

As with last year, there were surprisingly few Donald Trump costumes, but the ones there were did it bigly.

28 Oct 2017

100 visits

The parade starts it off

The traditional start of the uptown festivities was the Honey for the Heart parade.

28 Oct 2017

98 visits

A princess

At the end of the Honey for the Heart parade, little Io fulfilled another Athens parade tradition by throwing Skittles to spectators.

28 Oct 2017

79 visits

A pumpkin person

29 Oct 2017

111 visits

Not a dental assistant

28 Oct 2017

106 visits

Someone thinks this is a good idea; no idea why

Only the woman on the left adopted the official Ohio University dignified portrait pose.

29 Oct 2017

107 visits

Bass with attitude

28 Oct 2017

105 visits

Not dressed for the cold

28 items in total