Bangladesh Liberation Museum

Bangladesh - 2013

29 Dec 2012

209 visits

Bangladesh Liberation Museum

Children's artwork at the Liberation Museum.

30 Dec 2012

206 visits

Pink Palace

01 Jan 2013

198 visits

The Rocket

Century old local mode of transport from Dhaka to the south of Bangladesh. We first classed, for a pittance, and welcomed in the new year on board.

01 Jan 2013

184 visits

A Glimpse of River Life

01 Jan 2013

201 visits

Very Old and Misnamed

15th century mosque, called the "temple of 60 domes", but it actually has 77. Wondering who named it...

02 Jan 2013

225 visits

Sunrise on the Mongla River

The sun attempting to break through the fog.

02 Jan 2013

180 visits

Only a Few Minutes Old

According to the armed guard we are required to have when visiting this part of the forest, this tiger footprint is extremely fresh. Given, that they walk through the same areas many times a day, they know when things like this are new. Rarely spotted, but in large numbers, we never actually saw the Bengal tiger which left this print.

02 Jan 2013

162 visits

The Locals Even Photograph Us

Here we were, thinking we were going to be taking photos of the locals. But it works both ways, as they produce cameras and phones and take photos of us. Some times we catch them secretly doing so, and others, like this, when they boldly come up and ask. The whole village wanted to come out and join in the spectacle.

04 Jan 2013

204 visits

Local Ferry

34 items in total