“The Border”

Cyprus (Republic, Northern) - 2009

312 visits  |  Translate into English

21 Sep 2009

210 visits

Same Place, Different View

This photo is also taken from Buffavento Castle. This is looking to the south of the Kyrenia Range, over the plain of the Mesarya. It is quite a contrast from the north view in the other photo. Visible here is one of the castle's lower structures.

21 Sep 2009

250 visits

Dusk At Kyrenia Harbour

The massive walls of Kyrenia Castle create a beautiful backdrop to the tiny harbour. The very late sun throws a nice glow over the scene.

22 Sep 2009

196 visits

Snacking At St Hilarion Castle

In anticipation of a big late lunch, we had a light early snack. So healthy, hey, with our fruit. We found this cute little perch in the royal quarters of St Hilarion Castle. This is another of the three castles that I referred to earlier. A bit of climbing was required for this one, too.

22 Sep 2009

195 visits

And This Was Just Entrée

This was the start of the big late lunch I referred to. This shows the dips and salads. Soon, we were to start receiving the meats and hot dishes. This meze had about 25 different dishes! No dinner needed that night.

22 Sep 2009

214 visits

St Hilarion At Night

Viewed from our rooftop terrace in Kyrenia, you can make out the castle structures of St Hilarion on the rocky peak. The moon completes the picture.

23 Sep 2009

221 visits

Kantara Castle

This is the the view from the third castle, Kantara, in the Kyrenia Range.

23 Sep 2009

258 visits

Jo and Tayfun

Fantastic and generous restaurateur, Tayfun. This is his self decorated place in the village of Yenierenköy. After getting us in to his place with a good deal and a great atmosphere, he thrust a bunch of freebies on to us, too. Coffee, which is not an unusual “extra”, but also a bag of fruit from his own garden – pears and enough grapes to sink a ship.

24 Sep 2009

212 visits

Columns at Ancient Salamis

Ruins of one of Cyprus' city kingdoms, Salamis.

24 Sep 2009

257 visits

Looking Across Famagusta

Modelled on the cathedral of Reims (Rheims), France, this used to be the Cathedral of Agios Nikolaos. In 1571, the towers were severely damaged during an Ottoman siege, and after Famagusta fell, the conquering Ottomans stripped the inside and added a minaret. Since then, it has been the Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque.
39 items in total