CruisAir's photos
Lufthansa A340-600
Station Bijlmer
I like this shot of Mika, he's a great guy and gorgeous looking bear. Even though Timo is blurred I like the shot especially in combination with the other shot where Mika is blurred.
Gay pose
Timo and Mika try out a gay pose. Even though Mika is blurred I like the photo, especially in combination with the other photo where Timo is blurred... ;-)
Watching Eurovision
Yay, it's published!
Today I received two copies of National Geographic Traveller's latest U.S. issue. Here you can see the "unpacking" ceremonie... ;-)
The prestigious magazine has published one of my photos, isn't that fantastic?!!! Well, yeah, it's only small as you can see on page 33 in the May/June issue 2008 but still... I'm really proud!
They were really nice at National Geographic, friendly and did everything they promised they would do.
I am sooooo excited, can you tell?... :-)
My original photo is in the upper left corner and the small shots below show me "unpacking" the magazine.
Jelle and me
Me, Daniel and David
Daniel, David and Jelle
David, me and Daniel
In the upper right corner and end of Lake Geneva is the city that gave the lake it's name.
Spanair meal
Spanair Business class
A look into the business class section of an MD87 of Spanair on the flight from Munich to Madrid.
A Lufthansa Regional Avro Jet being serviced during a stop at Lufthansa's Munich hub.
Business meal
A part of the meal served in business class on this 11h00 departure on the Lufthansa flight from Amsterdam to Munich.
The catering was excellent, very friendly crew and it was a pleasant flight that funny enough I enjoyed together with a colleague who incidentally was on the same flight to Munich, going on vacation in Ancona.
C class meal II
A part of the meal served in business class on this 11h00 departure on the Lufthansa flight from Amsterdam to Munich.
The catering was excellent, very friendly crew and it was a pleasant flight that funny enough I enjoyed together with a colleague who incidentally was on the same flight to Munich, going on vacation in Ancona.
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