Blackbirds and Winter apples 4205668493 o


Folder: Birds and Beasts

Blackbirds and Winter apples 4205668493 o

It's called a bird bath, because birds bathe in it…

05 Apr 2013 279
Blackbird going through his morning ablutions. They queue up for a warm bath on a cold morning!

This weather is for the Birds...

23 Jan 2013 1 152
The Eastern white pelican is also known as the great white pelican, and they are found from southeastern Europe through to Asia and African swamps. The eastern white pelican is the second largest of the pelican species. Their wingspan can reash between 226 to 360cm. Their bills reach between 28 and 47cm in length and adult males typically weigh from 9 - 15 kg. Adult eastern white pelicans have pure white plumage with pinkish legs. Juveniles are grey in colour and have dark flight feathers. They have short strong legs with webbed feet to help propel them in the water and aid in take off. They are usually found in groups in and around shallow warm fresh water. Their diet consits mainly of fish and they prefer to feed in the early morning. Breeding season takes place in April and May where breeding takes place in colonies. The females lay between one and four eggs in a clutch. Incubation lasts between 29 - 36 days and the chicks are naked when they hatch. They produce black or brown down feathers. Chicks fledge the nest approximately 65-75 days after hatching. Chicks are often vulnerable to eagles, jackals and lions whereas adults have very few predators. However those living in Africa can fall victim to crocodiles.

Why would anyone want to cage such beautiful birds…

19 Jan 2013 92
Visitors this afternoon to the sunflower seeds Using Angenieux 70-210mm lens with Leitz 2x Extender (=420mm) and conversion collar with a Canon 6D

Birds on the Beach

Juvenile Blackbirds

05 Jun 2012 100
- scouring the lawn for food

Peanut feeders attract more than just birds!

19 May 2012 112
Sitting in the semi-darkness of the interior of the gazebo, having topped up the peanut feeder, the first visitor was a blue-tit which speared a fallen peanut with its beak, to carry it off. Next the cock pheasant and his No 1 wife pitched up. A sudden scurrying motion across the path caught my eye, as the peanut thief scooped up his booty and fled into the bushes beside the path, thinking he was hidden: a tiny field mouse.... Leitz Angenieux 420mm 2500 ISO

Peanut feeders attract more than just little birds…

Peanut feeders attract more than just little birds…

19 May 2012 151
Sitting in the semi-darkness of the interior of the gazebo, having topped up the peanut feeder, the first visitor was a blue-tit which speared a fallen peanut with its beak, to carry it off. Next the cock pheasant and his No 1 wife pitched up. A sudden scurrying motion across the path caught my eye, as the peanut thief scooped up his booty and fled into the bushes beside the path, thinking he was hidden: a tiny field mouse.... Leitz Angenieux 420mm 2500 ISO

Apple-flavoured blackbirds?

03 Feb 2012 85
If you are still storing any apples from last season, and wondering what to do with them, blackbirds love them!

Bird Brains: This contraption is so ingenious most…

18 Jun 2011 107
Siskin which as finally figured out how to get inside circular globe Bird-feeder (Through the large square entry in the base!)

Homes To Let? Sorry, all occupied with roosting bi…

27 Nov 2010 101
In fact, all occupied with roosting birds...

I promise no more birds for a while! 5106825731 o

Single bedroom property to let, original Ballachul…

18 Aug 2010 112
Amazing what can be done with a chopsaw and an angle grinder!

Summer Garden - Morello cherry pie ahead - birds h…

23 Jul 2010 76
Early morning meander in the sunshine...

How many birds do you know who live in a house wit…

05 May 2010 96
The famous slate quarries closed in 1955, leaving owners of historic houses with ever-decreasing avenues for repairing and renovating the roofs on their properties. "Historic Scotland" is considering attempting to re-open these historic quarries to meet the demands for renovating the properties under their custodianship...

Single bedroom property to let, original Ballachul…

18 Aug 2010 89
Amazing what can be done with a chopsaw and an angle grinder!

Summer Garden - Morello cherry pie ahead - birds h…

23 Jul 2010 108
Early morning meander in the sunshine...

381 items in total