Sauteed on toast - shaggy inkcaps


Sauteed on toast - shaggy inkcaps

03 Nov 2010 97
Place cut halves gills down in a small quantity of butter and fry quickly on a high heat..

Sauteed on toast - shaggy inkcaps

03 Nov 2010 109
Place cut halves gills down in a small quantity of butter and fry quickly on a high heat..

Amanita Muscaria

29 Sep 2004 110
Giant Magic Mushrooms ( )

Anyone for a shaggy Inkcap?

26 Sep 2006 88
Edible wild mushrooms, best eaten whilst still closed like this. Once they open up and start bleeding black "ink", definitely too late to consider eating. Best not chopped up before frying - they are rather friable (forgive pun!) and fall apart easily.

The entrance stone at Newgrange

04 Apr 2010 98
It is theorised that these familiar whorls on neolithic rock art are derived from the hallucinogenic effects induced by magic mushrooms and other psychotropic substances well-known to our neolithic ancestors. They appear on Neolithic rock art from Portugal to the Orkneys. Any aging hippies out there care to confirm?

Tomorrow's Breakfast - in prime condition for the…

02 Oct 2010 134
Shaggy Inkcap

Common Inkcap? Coprinus atramentarius?

03 Nov 2010 116
Positive ID welcomed

Common Inkcap? Coprinus atramentarius?

03 Nov 2010 140
Positive ID welcomed

Common Inkcap? Coprinus atramentarius? At Liquefyi…

03 Nov 2010 100
Positive ID welcomed

Common Inkcap? Coprinus atramentarius? Liquefying…

03 Nov 2010 93
Positive ID welcomed

Common Inkcap? Coprinus atramentarius?

03 Nov 2010 136
Positive ID welcomed

Sauteed on toast - shaggy inkcaps

03 Nov 2010 80
Place cut halves gills down in a small quantity of butter and fry quickly on a high heat..

Sauteed on toast - shaggy inkcaps

03 Nov 2010 83
Place cut halves gills down in a small quantity of butter and fry quickly on a high heat..

West Sussex mushrooms - ID Most probably Amanita R…

West Sussex Mushrooms - ID: Amanita - POISONOUS

Who says I can't cook? - Pennette Del Bosco

18 Nov 2011 84
Tomato, mushrooms (Boletus Edulis) onion, black olives, carrot, basil, chive, parsley, garlic and salt...for a mouth-watering pasta!

Diet? What diet?

23 Aug 2012 100
The Breakfast chef recommends...Poached egg and basil on a bed of Scottish potato scone and cream cheese, with wild mushrooms and garlic fried in olive oil, drizzled with vintage balsamic vinegar.

Sunday breakfast?

06 Oct 2012 78
Shaggy Inkcaps - and peeled

80 items in total