Aerial view of the Viaduct @ Dunphail

The Dava Way - Section Two - Edinkillie to Dava.

Folder: Walks
At 8 a.m. when the alarm woke me it did not look like a day when I wanted to tackle the next section of the Dava Way - the first 24 miles of the 95 mile Moray Loop. But my walk buddy announced she would be picking me up at 09.10 regardless! She drove us to Edinkillie, where we had ended our first 7 mile stretch, and off we went, with Jet, the gun dog, sniffing out pheasants already in the car park…  (read more)

Aerial view of the Viaduct @ Dunphail

01 Jan 2003 75
Viaduct over the Findhorn at Edenkillie taken some years ago by me on a flight from RAF Kinloss to Dundee

View west from the Dava Way south of Edinkillie

There is a sheer drop off the edge of the Dunphail…

The Manse at Dunphail from the viaduct

The first turf for thisInverness to Perth Junction…

The Who's Who of the founders of the Railway

The Manse at Dunphail from the viaduct

The Dava Way signage

Bantrach Wood signage

The Moor at Bantrach

Bogeney Bridge Signage

Bogeney Bridge spanning the grassy platform to all…

The ruins of the old croft at Bogeney.

Bogeney Croft signage and history

08 Jan 2019 82
Bogeney history

Bogeney Croft signage and history

08 Jan 2019 86
Bogeney history

Bogeney Croft signage and history

08 Jan 2019 74
Bogeney history

Bogeney Croft signage and history

08 Jan 2019 67
Bogeney history

Bogeney Croft signage and history

08 Jan 2019 64
Bogeney history

41 items in total