Doug Shepherd's photos

Red Campion among the Cow Parsley

16 Jun 2022 17 20 150
Cow Parsley is also know as Queen Ann's Lace

Yellows and Greens (2 x PiPs)

16 Jun 2022 26 44 190
Left - Prickly Sow Thistle (Not a thistle. I believe they are in the same group of plants as the dandelion) Right - Ribwort Plantain

Flora and Fauna in the undergrowth (4 x PiPs)

08 Jun 2022 29 36 205
Top left - Buttercup Top right - Yellow rattle Bottom left Forget-me-not Bottom right - Purple clover

Subdued Sunset (2 x PiPs)

Rural lane in Spring

18 May 2022 26 32 169
Moor Lane Sawdon - North Yorkshire

Park Farm

18 May 2022 23 16 173
Moor Lane Sawdon - North Yorkshire

The 'Ice Poppy'

Starling garden visitors


The last drop

24 May 2022 12 12 170
Clematis Leaf

Rowan (Mountain ash) blossom bursting out

18 May 2022 16 20 146
Complete with visitors

Public footpath (HFF Everyone) (1 x note)

18 May 2022 36 64 235
HFF 27/5/2022 *In England and Wales a public footpath is a path on which the public have a legally protected right to travel on foot. In some areas public footpaths form a dense network of short paths. It is probable that most footpaths in the countryside are hundreds of years old. The majority of footpaths are shown on Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 maps. In the picture above the public footpath starts on the other side of the gate, passing over land forming part of a farm.

Bidens ferulifolia

25 May 2022 26 26 180
After a shower of rain

Nature's Spring display (4 x PiPs)

Spring display 001

Spring display 002

Spring display 004

1721 items in total