Doug Shepherd's photos
Red Campion among the Cow Parsley
Yellows and Greens (2 x PiPs)
Left - Prickly Sow Thistle (Not a thistle. I believe they are in the same group of plants as the dandelion)
Right - Ribwort Plantain
Flora and Fauna in the undergrowth (4 x PiPs)
Top left - Buttercup
Top right - Yellow rattle
Bottom left Forget-me-not
Bottom right - Purple clover
Subdued Sunset (2 x PiPs)
Rural lane in Spring
Park Farm
The 'Ice Poppy'
Starling garden visitors
The last drop
Rowan (Mountain ash) blossom bursting out
Public footpath (HFF Everyone) (1 x note)
HFF 27/5/2022
*In England and Wales a public footpath is a path on which the public have a legally protected right to travel on foot. In some areas public footpaths form a dense network of short paths. It is probable that most footpaths in the countryside are hundreds of years old. The majority of footpaths are shown on Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 maps.
In the picture above the public footpath starts on the other side of the gate, passing over land forming part of a farm.
Bidens ferulifolia
Nature's Spring display (4 x PiPs)
Spring display 001
Spring display 002
Spring display 004