Luffia ferchaultella

Moths of 2012

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Poplar Kitten

01 Jun 2012 106
New for us, as I've not ever had one I was so sure about. See the size difference in the next photo, kinda hard to miss that way...haha Stars of the catch for 31 May 2012

Cinnabar Moth

30 May 2012 108
Hanging around my plants when we brought them back up from down stairs after paito work.

Sallow Kitten Caterpillars 1st Instar

01 Jun 2012 104
Taken to the local sallow patch.

Sallow Kitten Caterpillars Newly Hatched

01 Jun 2012 91
Taken to the local sallow patch.

Andy Phillips Sweeping

09 Jun 2012 91
Its always fun to sweep with a net and see what new types of insects you may find. I think this is how the Grass Rivulet was recorded by Gerry.

Andy's MV Light

09 Jun 2012 94
Waiting for the 'uber' moths to show up.

Gerry's MV Skinner Trap and Camp

09 Jun 2012 99
Getting set and ready for moth mania, as it turned out the wind died down to nothing and the night was quite successful considering the weather we had in the week.

Ron's Actinic Moth Trap and Camp

09 Jun 2012 89
Some more folks popped along as did Ron's Grandson, the kids really enjoyed netting and were quite productive, hardly anything escaped them unnoticed :)

Our Actinic Moth Trap and Camp

09 Jun 2012 90
We set up near the woods and had a good count all round considering the weather. Highlights at our trap included Small Angle Shades Several Light Emeralds Ingrailed Clay Pale Oak Beauty and New for Us was Argynsthia pygmaeella

Ron's Actinic Moth Trap

09 Jun 2012 89
Checking the ID's on the moths we had for the evening at Rons trap. I don't have a full list as yet, but I know an early favorite was Grass Rivulet, a local species.

Treble Brown Spot Moth

Matrix Caterpillar

11 Jun 2012 146
Doing his ninja moves in the wind.

Elachista luticomella

Patio Life: Blastobasis lacticolella Moths Mating

My Companion

17 Jun 2012 77
Burnet Compaion moth, dayflyer happy to have a bit of wind shelter.

Burnet Companion

Emperor Moth Caterpillar


319 items in total