Plumed Fan-foot Female @ Hastings

Noctuidae (Herminiinae)

Folder: Moths by Family

22 Aug 2012

1 comment

146 visits

Plumed Fan-foot Female @ Hastings

This lovely lady came to visit me at the trap the other night. Another rare migrant to the UK proving that its been a great month thus far for migrants and for our balcony actinic trap :) Star of the catch 19 Aug 2012.

05 Jul 2012

101 visits


Best of catch from 05 July 2012

05 Jul 2010

68 visits


30 Jun 2010

126 visits


Almost missed this since we have been getting Small Fan Foot on a regular basis, this one is bigger with the outermost line almost straight.

30 Jun 2010

272 visits

Olive Crescent Moth

As far as I can tell, from the NBN Gateway this maybe the first record in Hastings, I'll have to check with Andy Phillips and other knowing folks. This is a Suspected immigrant with Red Data Book status, although there are reports of a naturalized colony in Rye. I'll have to find out more.

25 Jun 2010

89 visits

Small Fan-foot Moth

23 Jun 2010

80 visits

Small Fan-foot Moth