Bloxworth Snout

Noctuidae (Hypeninae)

Folder: Moths by Family

29 Apr 2014

1 comment

239 visits

Bloxworth Snout

29 April 2014 This was a moth I found walking home from the Post Office one day, just up the street from our house. It is a Red Data Book Species and on the increase around most south coastal counties. Finding this one at this time of year suggests it over wintered and is a resident rather than a migrant. The wet mild winter seems to have helped this species because we had several Sussex reports this year.

26 Jun 2011

97 visits


03 Jun 2011

132 visits

Uncooperative Snout

10 Jun 2010

163 visits

Snout Moth -Top

This maybe quite a common variation of the snout, but in the several we've seen on and near this location we've never seen one this dark.

10 Jun 2010

150 visits

Snout Moth

This maybe quite a common variation of the snout, but in the several we've seen on and near this location we've never seen one this dark.

31 May 2010

120 visits

Snout Moth

10 Sep 2009

83 visits

The Snout

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24 Aug 2009

91 visits

The Snout -Top

Its not hard to see how this moth got its name :) Check out his profile .

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24 Aug 2009

105 visits

The Snout -Side

He almost looks like a cartoon coyote in the face.