Unknown Eggs

Marline Valley Nature Reserve

Folder: Nature Spaces

Green Tortoise Beetle

04 May 2014 1 223
Record shot really, but always nice to see.

Ruby-tailed Wasp

04 May 2014 1 1 260
Record shot really, we lost sight after this but was lovely to know they are there.

Common Lizard Lacerta Zootoca vivipara

Common Lizard On The Hunt

04 May 2014 1 265
We often see them sunning, but it was fun to watch this one hunting, here it's heard a small rover beetle moving by.

Grizzled Skipper

04 May 2014 1 1 225
First of the year for us, hope to get better shots soon, always love seeing these especially since we had such a wet winter.

Silver-ground Carpet

04 May 2014 2 1 346
Gave a run for my money, but I finally got him to pose :)

Un-named Weevil

Knotgrass Leaf Beetle

04 May 2014 2 281
Didn't have the heart to tell him hes not eating Knotgrass...was enjoying the Ground Ivy too much... haha

Blue Shieldbug

04 May 2014 2 1 243
Saw a couple of these on the woods bits :)

Large Speedwell

04 May 2014 199
Can't say I'm sure I've seen these before, looking at the size of the flower petals an shape.

Adela reaumurella Female

04 May 2014 1 322
Or as I like to call them Fairy Moths, you'll know what I mean if you've ever seen a group of them hovering around in the still sun above shrubs and low trees.

Wasp Beetle - Clytus arietis

Common Malichite Beetle

04 May 2014 225
I have other shots of these guys but the hairs are so well shown. This should be Hairy Malichite

White Fly

04 May 2014 2 1 236
No ID as yet, but a nice looker and stayed still for me :)

White Bugle @ Marline

04 May 2014 1 214
I've seen this a few times at Brede High Woods, those have green leaves an are likely a cultivated version Ajuga reptans alba escaped long ago, but these are not alone, in with lots of other Bugle, and has the lovely purple leaves at Marline, so not sure what...

In Suspense

04 May 2014 1 226
Not sure what this is, This was on buttercup I believe, reminds me of the little cocoons you see hanging from a thread. You can just see a bit of color in there.

Dog's Mercury Female Plant

21 Apr 2014 1 206
Since ages ago when I posted some flowers from this plant, and a contact told me about how rare the Female plant are I've been looking, well guess what.. :)

Dog's Mercury

156 items in total