
Noctuidae (Ophiderinae)

Folder: Moths by Family

18 May 2013

1 favorite

184 visits


Very attractive moth, they overwinter as Adults and often will hibernate in sheds. Some stars of the catch at our patio/balcony trap 17 May 2013

18 May 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

172 visits


Very attractive moth, they overwinter as Adults and often will hibernate in sheds. Some stars of the catch at our patio/balcony trap 17 May 2013

25 Oct 2012

122 visits


From back in Oct. The last of the mentionables of 2012.

22 Apr 2011

102 visits


22 Jan 2010

121 visits

The Herald Back

These are lovely moths, hes wintering at a local business in the upstairs flats' hallway, where its cool but protected.

22 Jan 2010

138 visits

The Herald Top

From UKMoths: "Quite a spectacular species, this colourful moth overwinters as an adult, and as a result, can be one of the last species to be seen in one year, and one of the first in the next. It is also sometimes found hibernating inside barns and outbuildings."

22 Jan 2010

113 visits

The Herald Face

Yeah!! Moths :D View large you can see hes got long scales covering his eyes, when these moths are active you'd be able to see the eye better I suspect. Hes hibernating so probably hasnt moved in months.

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08 Aug 2009

88 visits

The Herald

Once again the rainy night dampened my photo op on this guy, but he is still a brilliant moth.

27 Jul 2013

206 visits


Stars of the catch 26 July 2013. This is new for us, and one that has been on the wish list since I started mothing a few years ago!
10 items in total