Small Yellow Underwing Moth

Noctuidae (Stiriinae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Small Yellow Underwing

03 Jun 2010

148 visits

Small Yellow Underwing Moth

They have lovely bright yellow underwings, which they often sit with in view. This guy just wouldn't cooperate. Update: I found my self quite shocked when I saw this little moth, at how small the Burnet Companion had become since the last time I saw it (a quite common phenomenon when shooting macro Today we saw a True Burnet Companion and he was the size I had expected so I had to rethink what this was.

03 Jun 2010

117 visits

Small Yellow Underwing Moth

Update: I found my self quite shocked when I saw this little moth, at how small the Burnet Companion had become since the last time I saw it (a quite common phenomenon when shooting macro Today we saw a True Burnet Companion and he was the size I had expected so I had to rethink what this was.