Four-spotted Footman

Arctiidae (Lithosiinae & Arctiinae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Footman, Ermine, & Tigers

Four-spotted Footman

02 Oct 2013 179
Just a few nice moths we had last fall that I wanted to post up and add to the collection :) This one is quite rare, its a male, the female has the spots, but loads recorded in Sussex last year. NFU

Ruby Tiger

19 Aug 2013 200
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa

19 Aug 2013 195
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013.

Jersey Tiger

19 Aug 2013 1 197
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Jersey Tiger

19 Aug 2013 1 196
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctaria

19 Aug 2013 2 241
Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2013. NFU, I was certainly doing the uber moth dance when we found this on the patio. We thought it was a Red Admiral at first.

Garden Tiger

02 Aug 2013 1 2 237
Stars of the catch 31 July 2013. NFY

Garden Tiger

02 Aug 2013 2 2 246
Stars of the catch 31 July 2013. NFY

Rosy Footman

15 Jul 2013 1 161
Stars of the catch 14 July, 2013. NFY

Buff Ermine

Cinnabar Moth

Orange Footman

11 Jun 2013 143
Stars of the catch 09 May 2013 NFY

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillars

19 Aug 2012 143
Little Bristley caterpillars. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 163
Can't wait to see them a bit bigger. They over winter as caterpillars, so will be releasing them somewhere more lichenie. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150.

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 130
Probably second or third instar about now. Taken by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 126
They eat lichen or like wilted dandelion or lettuce. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Garden Tiger

10 Aug 2012 107
Stars of the catch 9 Aug 2012

Garden Tiger

10 Aug 2012 168
Stars of the catch 9 Aug 2012

99 items in total