Lappet Moth

Lasiocampidae (Lasiocampinae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Eggar Moths

27 May 2013


204 visits

Drinker Moth Caterpillar Sunning

Often encountered somewhere sunning themselves.

19 Sep 2012

171 visits

Oak Eggar Caterpillar


02 Aug 2012

130 visits

Female Oak Eggar

01 Aug 2012

83 visits

Female Drinker Moth

21 Jul 2012

100 visits

Another Male Drinker Moth

One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

21 Jul 2012

114 visits

Male Drinker Moth

One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

21 Jul 2012

115 visits

Drinker Moth Warming Up

One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

07 May 2012

153 visits

Drinker Moth Caterpillar

09 Aug 2011

110 visits

Drinker Moth

Did some mothing at Filsham Reedbed for the Pebsham Countryside Park 'Bugs, Birds, Bees, & Beasties' event on Tuesday. We mothed on Monday with not great weather but had a quality catch. The event for the kids the following day went brilliantly, everyone loved seeing the moths we had for them to look at which included a recent catch of from my patio of Garden Tiger, of course the rock star of the show :) For me however this was the Rock Star! I've had this on my wish list for a long time :) We had a couple micros that might be nice records as well I have to confirm the ID on them.
29 items in total