Orange Swift Hepialus sylvina

Hepialidae (Hepialinae)

207 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Moths by Family
Swift Moths

17 Aug 2013

194 visits

Orange Swift Hepialus sylvina

Stars of the catch 16 Aug 2013. First for our garden

15 Aug 2013

223 visits

Orange Swift Hepialus sylvina

18 Aug 2012

117 visits

Orange Swift

These moths and the followng bugs come from a evening at Wainwright Close Meadow. We've been calling it 'Ron's Meadow', our friend and fellow moth'er from the Hastings Moth Group folks found this little jewel and has adopted it :). It's a lovely tiny meadow which has loads of lovely meadow plants and a hedge surrounding it of small trees and black/Hawthorn, a large oak, and a pond with lots of pond plants smack in the middle of an industrial estate. Its council owned but is being managed by another soul who loves it as well, we have yet to find or meet. We decided we'd do a bit of a night time bug count with moth traps and these are the results in the 'Wainwright Close Meadow" set.

20 May 2012

115 visits

Common Swift

A couple of nice moths for the night, which just goes to show its not always about the quantity :) We also had a May Highflier, Waved Umber, and Lime Hawk.

08 Jun 2011

118 visits

Ghost Moth Female

Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory, Kent

07 Jun 2011

102 visits

Common Swift

Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory, Kent

29 Aug 2010

123 visits

Orange Swift

28 Jun 2010

120 visits

Common Swift Moth

28 Jun 2010

108 visits

Common Swift Moth

20 items in total