Merveille du Jour

Noctuidae (Cuculliinae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Sharks, Pinions, Chestnuts, Sallows, & Allies

Merveille du Jour

07 Oct 2013 3 1 210
Just a few nice moths we had last fall that I wanted to post up and add to the collection :)

Barred Sallow

30 Sep 2013 172
Just a few nice moths we had last fall that I wanted to post up and add to the collection :)

Toadflax Brocade

26 Jun 2013 1 1 165
Stars of the catch 26 June 2013 Second of year but always nice to get them.

Toadflax Brocade

18 Jun 2013 1 120
A couple Stars of the Catch for 17 June 2013. NFY

Toadflax Brocade

18 Jun 2013 1 132
A couple Stars of the Catch for 17 June 2013. NFY

Green-brindled Crescent Caterpillar

01 Jun 2013 1 256
Final Instar. This is the update as promised to this photo , we found this guy feeding on Apple in the meadow before mothing. He is quite lovely now that he filled out a bit.

Green-brindled Crescent Caterpillar Side

26 May 2013 240
We found this guy by doing a bit of beating, where you tap branches of trees or shrubs into a net. He was on Apple (Malus), Crab Apple we believe. He was hard to ID from this photo, more photos to come of him plumbed up and easier to ID

Green-brindled Crescent Caterpillar Top

26 May 2013 1 206
We found this guy by doing a bit of beating, where you tap branches of trees or shrubs into a net. He was on Apple (Malus), Crab Apple we believe. He was hard to ID from this photo, more photos to come of him plumbed up and easier to ID

Mullein Moth Face

21 May 2013 3 456
Stars of the catch 21 May 2013. These are fantastic moths, we had caterpillars on the patio a few years back that I rescued from a garden where someone was 'weeding". The foodplant Mullein attracted also some great weevils and hovers loved them.

Mullein Moth

21 May 2013 1 1 165
Stars of the catch 21 May 2013. These are fantastic moths, we had caterpillars on the patio a few years back that I rescued from a garden where someone was 'weeding". The foodplant Mullein attracted also some great weevils and hovers loved them.

Grey Shoulder-knot

19 May 2013 168
Even moths have bad hair days! A nice moth from a Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch even we had at Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve on 18 May. Was a new species for me.

Early Grey

17 Apr 2013 183
Stars of the catch 14-04-13


15 Apr 2013 184
Stars of the catch 14-04-13


10 Oct 2012 169
Stars of the catch Oct 9 2012 Ok I'm a bit behind, these are from just before the killer germs started trying to kill my american

Barred Sallow

10 Oct 2012 139
Stars of the catch Oct 9 2012 Ok I'm a bit behind, these are from just before the killer germs started trying to kill my american

Black Rustic

07 Oct 2012 117
Star of the catch 06 Oct 1012

Black Rustic Aporophyla nigra

07 Oct 2012 126
Star of the catch 06 Oct 1012

Feathered Ranunculus

03 Sep 2012 120
New for the year. Stars of the catch 2 Sept 2012

108 items in total