Meadow Grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus

Crickets & Grasshoppers

Folder: Wild Kingdom
And a few Groundhoppers too for good measure :)

Meadow Grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus

15 Aug 2013 1 193
I really love the pink ones!

Rosel's Bush Cricket

Roesel's Bush-cricket Nymph

25 Jun 2013 1 236
I've not seen a baby one before, was nice :)

Patio Life: Speckled Bush-cricket Nymph

06 Jun 2013 1 1 304
I was so glad to see that I still had these on the balcony, we also still have Dark Bush Cricket, I loved having them last year chirping away while we tended to the moth box.

Common Groundhopper

Patio Life: Groundhopper

10 Sep 2012 173
I think Common Groundhopper on the patio.

Patio Life: Common Field Grasshopper

05 Sep 2012 116
Or at least i think, we've had loads of crickets on the patio but this is the first grasshopper.

Getting Your Daily Fibre

20 Aug 2012 140
Walking along and I can hear this tiny 'crunch, crunch, crinkle, crunch', I looked for the noise to find this guy munching away on a dead leaf. I didn't realize grasshoppers would eat dead leaves, at least not while there is a supply of live ones still. Maybe the fresher stuff gives it wind!! :P

Dark Bush Cricket

20 Aug 2012 100
Took me a while to work this guy out, as we usually see the more unifom darkly marked ones.

Meadow Grasshopper

20 Aug 2012 114
A very dewey start to the day!

Patio Life: Speckled Bush Cricket

Oak Bush Cricket

Common Groundhopper

Common Groundhopper Face

Field Grasshopper

14 Aug 2012 109
Loads of lovely hoppers and chirpers at the waste ground above Bo Peep. Including a ground hopper or two :)

Speckled Bush Cricket

12 Aug 2012 142
With antennae included :) All you bug chasing folks will get what I

Pretty in Pink

02 Aug 2012 130
Gorgeous looking :)

Long Winged Cone Head Grasshopper

01 Aug 2012 104
Long name for such a small

55 items in total