Green Iguana


Folder: Wild Kingdom

04 May 2014

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251 visits

Common Lizard Lacerta Zootoca vivipara

04 May 2014

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265 visits

Common Lizard On The Hunt

We often see them sunning, but it was fun to watch this one hunting, here it's heard a small rover beetle moving by.

13 Mar 2013

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125 visits

Green Iguana

March trip to Stratford Butterfly Farm was Amazing! I thought this was fake until it

20 Aug 2012

149 visits

Oh How I Wish... owners would not just leave piles of poo in the path, oh well I suppose its far better than to bag it then toss....ER HANG ON A MINUTE!! Thats not poo....LOL

20 Aug 2012

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151 visits

Adder Sunning

He finally turns his head, a bit aggrivated that we are not just passing him by, you know 'if I ignore them maybe they'll just go away'. He stayed for about 10mins while I went mad with the camera then hid his head in the shrubery. We left him to get on with enjoying the day after he had made my year! Now, who wants to go to Brede! :D

20 Aug 2012


195 visits

A Dream Come True

This beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, brave, tolerant animal just stays in the path and lets me take untold amount of photos of him. I've seen them at Brede before, we actually photographed a young one last year, deep in bracken so wasn't great shots, and we saw the tail of a female scurry away moments before this. This guy was very patiently waiting for us to vacate his premisis :) BTW: I used a 250mm lens for these so although it looks like im just inches away I was actually a safe distance for him and for me, even though I really just wanted to give him a cuddle! :)

20 Aug 2012

116 visits

Young Lizard Face

Was quite happy to let me get some shots, even yawned at one point bored with me.

20 Aug 2012

121 visits

Lizard Sunning

14 Aug 2012

134 visits


Slow worms at the waste ground above Bo Peep.
32 items in total