

Folder: Not So Natural
The things in this set are licensed Non-Commercial Creative Commons and are free to use. I would apprecaite if you showcase one on a site that you link back to here, but its not a must. Also if you contact me I'd be happy to link back to you as well on the page. If you have any problems getting them for projects, contact me.
Thank you.

Patio Life: Painted Lady

10 Sep 2013 7 3 351
Don't get excited this lovely lady visited me last September, after me looking everywhere for one it showed up on my patio/balcony! Happy Valentine's Day to all you Ipernites <3

Gone Fishing

Patio Life: Opium Poppy

17 Aug 2013 184
Every time I get one of these in bloom, we get rain or wind and by the next day when the sun arrives its missing petals or looking worn. Finally got one sorta

Eastbourne Art

22 Jul 2013 2 230
Someone trying to tell us something? Nothing we didn't already know...

The Gathering

22 Jul 2013 1 214
Chalkhill Blue butterflies wrangle each other for a good spot on the poo, who said dog poo was useless?

Small Blue

Patio Life: Raspberry

18 Jul 2013 183
Just can't resist the colors on these :)

The Middle of The End

Around the Bend

Elephant Hawk-moth

10 Jul 2013 1 2 277
Stars of the catch for 9 July 2013. One of first of Many we've had this year so far.

Poplar Hawk-moth Female

10 Jul 2013 277
Stars of the catch for 9 July 2013. Female is bigger, bigger bodied, and this lighter markings are usual.

Patio Life: Yellowness

Swallow-tailed Moth

09 Jul 2013 1 3 199
Stars of the catch 07 July 2013.

Patio Life: Quaking Grass Briza Maxima

Fern Rowd

111 items in total