Eriocrania subpurpurella

Micro Moths

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Folder: Moths by Family
Often over looked but just as lovely :)

Ancylis badiana - Common Roller

18 May 2013 176
Another one we saw on walk about at Filsham.

Esperia sulphurella - Sulphur Tubic

18 May 2013 2 208
These are really nice lookers for micro moths Some stars of the catch at our patio/balcony trap 17 May 2013.

Caterpillar Peek a Boo

16 May 2013 251
Have yet to ID this moth caterpillar, but he kept poking in and out of his hiding house.

Adela reaumurella - Green Long-horn

Incurvaria masculella - Feathered Bright

Digitivalva pulicariae - Fleabane Smudge

07 May 2013 207
Another local species this one is from back on 4 May at Shornden Meadow, Alexandra Park where we had a Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch moth event. In the last few years this area has undergone major clearing and drainage to turn it back into a 'meadow', which is paying off as this moth is a rough meadow species.

Eriocrania subpurpurella

Ptocheuusa paupella

07 Sep 2012 109
Light Fleabane Neb @ Combe Haven

Epinotia ramella Top

06 Sep 2012 105
Stars of the catch 05 Sept 2012

Epinotia ramella

06 Sep 2012 117
Stars of the catch 05 Sept 2012 New for us :)

Bucculatrix frangutella

Phyllonorycter messaniella

03 Sep 2012 101
Stars of the catch 03 Sept 2012

Carnation Tortrix

03 Sep 2012 99
Stars of the catch 03 Sept 2012

Pyrausta despicata

Ancylis badiana

28 Aug 2012 161
New one for us.

Ancylis badiana

28 Aug 2012 127
New one for us

Laburnum Leaf Miner

26 Aug 2012 205
Tiny moths, a couple very similar ones but this is most common at this time of year.

Apodia bifractella Laying Eggs

26 Aug 2012 242
In Common Fleabane. Recently we thought we had a moth that was very rare in East Sussex, but it turned out that once we saw this activity we were able to ID it to this local speces.

767 items in total