Proof of Life Grizzled Skipper


Folder: Wild Kingdom

Grizzled Skipper

04 May 2014 1 1 225
First of the year for us, hope to get better shots soon, always love seeing these especially since we had such a wet winter.

Small White Butterfly

23 Apr 2014 202
Small white with pupa from under our eve, while only a few feet away from the previous photo, they had been predated by some wasp this one emerged this year fine. I still have two that have not done anything that I know of.

Patio Life: Painted Lady

10 Sep 2013 7 3 351
Don't get excited this lovely lady visited me last September, after me looking everywhere for one it showed up on my patio/balcony! Happy Valentine's Day to all you Ipernites <3

Grayling Butterfly

Wall Butterfly

Adonis Pair Hanging Around

Silver-spotted Skipper

26 Aug 2013 1 1 213
Hesperia comma

Adonis Male

Adonis Blue Butterfly

26 Aug 2013 1 2 244
From the downs near Lewes last August. Of course the first few fresh Common Blues I ever saw here in the UK were Adonis too, so bright they must be right?, but man oh man these guys are super bright blue, lovely creatures.

Purple Hairstreak Neozephyrus quercus

15 Aug 2013 209
Two years ago, once I finally knew how to find these lovely butterflies, we saw thousands of them all over the place in Hastings, last year with all the wet weather not so many. This year there has been a lot more, but this is the best shot I have managed. They spend their time in Oak trees near the tops, where if you stand still and watch you see them flitting about. This is a long shot up, and cropped but there it

Brown Argus Aricia agestis

Common Blue Polyommatus icarus

Large White Pieris brassicae

Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus

Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia

15 Aug 2013 1 183
This was a nice surprise, there is a small area (very urban), a cut through really across from a Tesco Express and its always a great butterfly area, but I never would have guessed we'd find this Silver Washed Fritillary there.

Silver-washed Fritillary

15 Aug 2013 173
This was a nice surprise, there is a small area (very urban), a cut through really across from a Tesco Express and its always a great butterfly area, but I never would have guessed we'd find this Silver Washed Fritillary there.

The Gathering

22 Jul 2013 1 214
Chalkhill Blue butterflies wrangle each other for a good spot on the poo, who said dog poo was useless?

Dark Green Fritillary

327 items in total