Early Thorn

Geometridae (Ennominae)

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Folder: Moths by Family
Thorns, Beauties, Umbers, & Allies

Speckled Yellow Moth

Common Wave

Early Thorn

Patio Life: Light Emerald Eggs Batch 2/7

02 Jul 2011 128
The Light Emeralds began hatching Saturday, and I was amazed at watching thier little faces appear. Seriously tight crops on these but what fun would it be if you couldnt see them :) I spent hours watching them, and gathering them all up into a jar to release on Monday.

Patio Life: Light Emerald Caterpillar Face

02 Jul 2011 131
Only Seconds Old

Patio Life: Light Emerald Eggs Batch 1/7

02 Jul 2011 145
The Light Emeralds began hatching Saturday, and I was amazed at watching thier little faces appear. Seriously tight crops on these but what fun would it be if you couldnt see them :) I spent hours watching them, and gathering them all up into a jar to release on Monday.

Patio Life: Light Emerald Caterpillar

02 Jul 2011 1 111
about 1-1.5mm.

Swallow-tailed Moth

02 Jul 2011 112
If everyone only could see moths like these, they would all put out moth traps :D

Scalloped Oak

Patio Life: Light Emerald Eggs

25 Jun 2011 105
Recently I had my friends bug house to store a few moths for a few days. We did a Moth Trap and Moth day for the kids near Church Wood, and I worried if weather went mad...yada yada so had a lovely Light Emerald in there for a night and this is the present she left me :S Hatching imminent....

Brimstone Moth

15 Jun 2011 89
Here's looking at me...

Clouded Silver

Scalloped Hazel

Light Emerald

15 May 2011 115
Newly Emerged I would say by the color and freshness, on burnt wood.

Peppered Moth Face

Peppered Moth

Speckled Yellow

09 May 2011 104
Needless to say I was in mothy heaven at Denge :)

Scalloped Hazel

199 items in total