Silver Y

Noctuidae (Plusiinae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Brasses, Y's, and allies.

17 Aug 2013

205 visits

Gold Spot

Stars of the catch 15 Aug 2013.

17 Aug 2013

1 favorite

224 visits

Gold Spot Plusia festucae

Star of the catch 15 Aug 2013

15 Jun 2013

137 visits

Beautiful Golden Y Face

Star of the catch for 14 June :) New Record for us.

15 Jun 2013

147 visits

Beautiful Golden Y Warming Up

Star of the catch for 14 June :) New Record for us.

15 Jun 2013

1 comment

160 visits

Beautiful Golden Y

Star of the catch for 14 June :) New Record for us.

03 May 2013


192 visits

Silver Y

Star of the catch 2nd May 2013. Bout the earliest we've had one of these on the balcony :)

19 Aug 2012

114 visits

Burnished Brass

Just love this little moth, only our second record at the patio, both this year. Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2012

25 Aug 2012

92 visits

Burnished Brass

Zero sharpening on this, but a stack of 6 images. Still learning, I like the all in focus part, but that uber sharp is a bit off putting. Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2012

15 Aug 2012

125 visits

Burnished Brass

Stars of the catch 14 Aug 2012. New species for us :)
23 items in total