
Combe Valley Countryside Park

Folder: Nature Spaces
Formally known as Pebsham Countryside Park, is a lovely area of marsh, farm, woods and Filsham Reedbed we are lucky enough to live very near.

Sharp-leaved Fluellen

28 Jun 2014 352
Again while out with Jacqueline from the Sx Botany recorders, she found this lovely little (tiny!) gem. Another new species for us.

Sharp-leaved Fluellen

28 Jun 2014 1 1 346
Again while out with Jacqueline from the Sx Botany recorders, she found this lovely little (tiny!) gem. Another new species for us.


28 Jun 2014 358
Another plant at the wasteground, this one is a specialist of waste land. And new for us.

Robins Pincushin Gall

28 Jun 2014 354
This small wild rose was covered in these, some busy wasps! Dipoloepis rosae Wasp


28 Jun 2014 359
One of the recorders for the Sussex Botanical Recording Society came along to see the orchids, while we were out she found this. One of my favorite tiny flowers.

Denticulate Leatherbug

28 Jun 2014 1 1 357
While looking over a car park near our Bee Orchids, we discovered this little guy, more of a record shot, it's a first for us. We also found another 12 Bee Orchids, one for sure was the white variation :)

Common Blue Damselfly Female

Bee Orchid

23 Jun 2014 2 412
Ophrys apifera var. chlorantha

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchids @ Combe Haven Countryside Park

Tri-ang Toy Pram

23 Jun 2014 1 343
This pram might seem an odd photo to post for me, and it is, but we have history together. We found this pram years ago in a wood, drapped in Wood Anemone in lovely condition and posted the photos. Years later its been reduced to this. To be honest I'm surprised it lasted this long as this area is used by kids a lot.

Golden Grass

Marsh Woundwort

Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera var. chlorantha

23 Jun 2014 1 362
We went to visit our 'local' patch of Bee Orchids of which photos to follow, and found this rare White form. We wound up finding 3 of these variations in a close but new patch. All in all were we found only 8 last year of Bee Orchid this year we found 19, and another 16 in another new location near by, where we saw this beauty.

White Admiral Side On

23 Jun 2014 2 314
A few years ago I saw one near this spot, but never saw another! This visit we saw 5!! although this was the only one to land and it was up in the tall brambles for forgive the photos, best I've ever gotten though. The next day I went back to get better shots, and counted 16!!!! but not one landed :( Still good news for this butterfly this year I think.

White Admiral

23 Jun 2014 308
A few years ago I saw one near this spot, but never saw another! This visit we saw 5!! although this was the only one to land and it was up in the tall brambles for forgive the photos, best I've ever gotten though. The next day I went back to get better shots, and counted 16!!!! but not one landed :( Still good news for this butterfly this year I think.

1232 items in total