Violet Ground Beetle


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Folder: Wild Kingdom

Resting or Dinning?

Omaloplia ruricola Top

22 Jul 2013 370
A notable species and new for us.

Omaloplia ruricola

22 Jul 2013 222
A notable species and new for us.

Cryptocephalus aureolus

22 Jul 2013 233
We saw some lovely other insects besides just glorious amounts of butterflies. This is a new beetle for us.

Record shot Unknown Beetle

22 Jul 2013 224
Horrible shot of a fantastic beetle, there are only a couple it could be, and neither are ones I have so there you go, posted.

Patio Life: Mealybug Destroyer Larva

18 Jul 2013 177
This is a beetle larva, we have had these a few years, but I've yet to see an adult.

Rutpela maculata

Flight Case

Hairy Beetle

08 Jul 2013 1 2 159
Thanks to Rockwofl for the ID of Lagria hirta on this fluffy beetle.

Tiger Beetle Larva

01 Jul 2013 221
I know this is a bad shot, there are some out there that are brilliant but it was great fun watching this guy eat ants and hard work to catch him at it!!

Click Beetle

Chrysolina banksi

30 Jun 2013 1 153
Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID :)

Chrysolina banksi

30 Jun 2013 168
Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID :)

24-spot Ladybird Larvae

18 Jun 2013 1 1 208
I had no idea what these were, they are so tiny, 1-3mm but there were loads in the grass heads. I was pleased to learn they are Ladybird Larva.

Unknown Beetle

18 Jun 2013 1 236
Nice little beetle that I have yet to ID.

Malachite Beetle

18 Jun 2013 2 3 228
At take off :)

273 items in total