Patio Tiny Bee or Wasp

Bees Wasps & Ants

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Folder: Wild Kingdom

Bomble Bee at Comfrey

Robins Pincushin Gall

28 Jun 2014 354
This small wild rose was covered in these, some busy wasps! Dipoloepis rosae Wasp

Sawfly Needs Name

16 May 2014 184
I Just can't decide if this is a nomad type wasp or a sawfly, any help appreciated. Thanks Rockwolf for getting me to the sawfly ID.

Predated Small White Butterfly

23 Apr 2014 2 212
Not a great photo per se, but the subject I found interesting. This was one of my Small White Butterfly larva, it had completed making a pupa but a small wasp (likely Cotesia glomerata wasp [thanks to Rockwolf for the likely ID]) kept hanging around the larva and pupa. This is the restult, obviously hatched out. The next photo shows that at the same sorta date a Small White has emerged fine. Photos from under our eve of roof. What I found interesting was that the wasp sat up on the eve for days waiting I suppose, but did wait until the larva was in full pupation to go away (finish predating it).

Ruby-tailed Wasp

04 May 2014 1 1 260
Record shot really, we lost sight after this but was lovely to know they are there.

Busy Wasp

Tiny Wasp

22 Jul 2013 187
These guys are very small, a bit green colored, would love to know what it is. Actual size is in the notes

Ancistrocerus sp.

14 Jul 2013 268
Not sure which of this family this one is, there are three it could be, but a very nice looker, with a nice hole in the cement block. (see note)

Patio Life: Anthophora bimaculata

11 Jul 2013 2 5 330
As much flying around as these guys do, its no wonder he needs a

Patio Life: Large White Butterfly Pupating

10 Jul 2013 246
I had always thought that if they got to this stage they wouldn't really be paratisized by anything but as you can see on my note, this tiny wasp is sure thinking about it!!

Common Spiny Digger Wasp

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 9a

08 Jul 2013 1 283
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 9

08 Jul 2013 254
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 8

08 Jul 2013 236
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 7

08 Jul 2013 240
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 6

08 Jul 2013 259
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 5

08 Jul 2013 1 253
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 4

08 Jul 2013 231
Well I messed this order up again, not the first time I've done that, so decided to put up an article. If you have found this and are interested here is the article and the correct order of photos, probably viewed best this way. Thanks for looking too :)

209 items in total