But He's a Super Guy


Folder: Not So Natural

12 May 2013

188 visits

Nick Hennessy Hastings Ranger

Last volunteer day at Shornden Meadow in Alexandra Park here in Hastings, Our fearless leader directs tree traffic. Let the planting begin!

06 May 2013

1 comment

294 visits


On a recent trip to Sussex Wildlife Trust, Rye Harbour Narure Reserve, we were sitting in one of the hides when suddenly a ruckus started going on, birds fleeing, the comorant tree emptied and the ducks and swans swiming away with family. Most birders would think 'bird of prey', so we looked and looked but no. it was these guys on a raft!! Serously?? At any point do you think they realised something was a bit off, the hide perhaps or the lens's pointed at them...apparently not. LOL

16 Sep 2012

113 visits

But He's a Super Guy

16 Sep 2012

129 visits

Ian is Norty!

Poor Nick!

27 Jan 2009

124 visits

Adopted Uncle -Maker of the Sticks

Our neighbor carved these for us, and kindly posed with them for me in the garden.

18 Jan 2009

146 visits

Men in Kilts

Walking home after a 'Walk-A-Bout' in Alexandra park I rounded the corner to see this wonderful scene.

10 Jan 2009

146 visits

Photo of a Photo

Terry shooting Darren shooting... em What were you shooting Darren?

03 Jan 2009

114 visits

War and Peace

by Leo Tolstoy

20 Dec 2008

116 visits

Morris Dancers 2

These are the Morris Dancers again, but what I love about this photo is the lady's reaction (on the right), priceless!
39 items in total